...consists of four stage physical and behavioral process.
- A comprehensive system of movement and structural evaluation;
- A series of hands on techniques for releasing bones and muscles to their full natural range of motion;
- A behavioral profile based on the relationship between body and behavioral factors;
- A behavioral remodeling.
The foundational skill for Canine Kinaesthetics™ is the Pulsing Touch, a gentle but effective rhythmic in and out movement, that works with the dog's own neurological system, the cranial sacral pulse, to create permanent change in muscle and bone position and response. This touch is applied in a series of specific locations throughout the dog's body to free up and normalize movement. Students learn how to use behavioral feedback from the dog and changes in the pressure and rhythm of their hands, to create a behavioral "dialogue" with the dog, thereby also helping to create permanent behavioral changes.
Below is a slide presentation depicting the Palpation Protocol: