Below is a SAMPLE of a previous clinics curriculum:
Three Day Clinic
Day One:
9:00 - 9:15 Introduction, Materials, Resources and House Rules
9:15 DogBodyCare (DBC) Troubleshooting Checklist (Where are we going and why.)
- Spine (the zigzag puzzle)
- Head (the yes movement)
- Neck (the no movement)
- Front leg (ear stretch)
- Hind leg (fetal vs. confident)
- Ribs (play the piano)
- Tail (more of the zigzag puzzle)
10:00 Handling skills – Safety, Behavioral Factors, Learning in Dialogue (Setting the Foundation.)
- Tools
- Teaching a Conditioned Response/Markers
- The “Settle” command
- Give and Take, factors of dialogue
10:45 Break
11:00 Movement Evaluation (What are we looking at and why does it matter.)
- Planes of flexion: longitudinal, lateral, diagonal
- Arcs of movement
- Parity/symmetry
- Quiet Zones
- Compensatory patterns
- Behavioral parameters of movement
12:00 - 1:00 Lunch/Dog free time Lunch provided
1:00 The Canine Kinaesthetics™ Protocol demo (The full 40 point protocol, with its landmarks.)
- Hand position, body position
- The count: Touch, pause, in, 2, 3, hold, 2, 3, out, 2, 3.
- The feedback game: pause on behaviors (all behaviors)
- The point of resistance
- The release
2:00 The Pressure Scale (How much is enough/too much or now we play with playdoh.)
- Finger position
- Pressures
- Blind touching
- The release
2:30 Canine Kinaesthetics™ The Map – Session One (Let your fingers do the walking.)
Hands on assisted exercise with students working in pairs to work on a dog of their choice, going all the way through the protocol. During this first session we will be working together piece at a time to begin to familiarize students’ hands with the landmarks, the rhythm, and the behavioral dialogue. This is your first day in language class – the language of touch, just let your fingers do the walking.
4:00 - 4:15 Closure, Ahhas, Q and A